Introducing the Sustainable Growth Handbook

So, another year. Business is as usual, and it is back to the same old.

Am I right? Not even close.

Clearly, 2024 will be remembered as one of the most disruptive and demanding moments of our times. It’s the year brands and businesses stepped up to seek new ways to unlock the power of first-party data. It also marks a tipping point in how companies architect and execute strategies to identify, segment, attract and engage audiences at scale and align business metrics with business goals.

Nearly a decade ago, we at CMA recognized the failure of strategies that focus on lifting vanity metrics such as installs over delivering lasting value. We also understood that campaigns focused on filling the funnel rather than fixing the leaky bucket would ultimately result in the slow and steady loss of customers and revenue. It wasn’t sexy then to drive a brutally honest discussion about how we define and find growth, but I’m glad we did!

Today, we can share a blueprint for achieving Sustainable Growth—tried, tested and perfected based on implementing this approach for hundreds of apps, including many of the largest mobile brands, such as Macy’s, Deliveroo, Grab, Papa Johns, O2 and Virgin Media.

At its core, Sustainable Growth is about commitment, not campaigns. It demands approaches that combine strategy, technology and activation in new ways to elevate marketing, enhance user experience and drive excellent results. It also requires partnerships with technology providers, enablers, and innovators to power an unstoppable flywheel of profitable outcomes.

From leading vendors and visionaries (AppsFlyer, Braze and Mixpanel) to accomplished app marketers (Auto Trader, Sainsbury’s and Wolt), this handbook brings together some ofthe sharpest minds across the mobile ecosystem to provideinspiration and insight for your strategy.

Whether you’re an established business ready to reignite your mobile channel or a mobile-first startup eager to architect a growth stack that can withstand constant change.

I’m confident this handbook will be your trusted companion on the journey.

Use it to navigate a perfect storm of conditions that is forcing every organization everywhere to take charge of their data and destiny.

You can access The Sustainable Growth Handbook for free from here.


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